The Frontliner's Stand Looking into this passage of the Bible. We take note that God told Samuel to stop mourning over God and that HE has chosen someone else. When Samuel got to the house of Jesse, where God sent him, he assessed almost all of Jesse's sons and considered Eliab, the first son, as the LORD'S anointed but God taught Samuel a valuable lesson, that HE does not look at the outward appearance as men do but at the heart. Does this mean that we should not bother looking at our outward appearance? Not so, our outward appearance is what people see. We are representatives of Christ Jesus and people who are not in Christ only see our outward appearance not our hearts, so we are to be examples of Christ to all men and not hypocrites. If we notice, it was said that David that he was in the bush tending to sheep. When David arrived, God instantly told Samuel to anoint him. God must have been watching David all the while he was tending to sheep in the remote bush. The...