When we say purpose, what does it really mean? Purpose is the direction that you are going. It is the reason why you do something. Knowing you purpose in God is knowing why God created you and why you are living. If you don't know your purpose there is a likelihood that you will waste your life on things that you are not meant to be doing. For instance, if you try to bake cake with a washing machine, it will not be what you want it to be, instead, the washing machine will just spill the cake ingredients and make a mess of things. Not knowing your purpose causes frustration , depression , confusion and unproductive labour. It is impossible for you to know your purpose if you don't know your manufacturer, God. People who don't know Christ personally walk in darkness and opposite to the will of God for them. Everyone needs to know where they are heading to because we all have a purpose on Earth. Before we discover our purpose it is important to...
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