

The Heart and waiting room. 1st Samuel 16:1-13.

The Frontliner's Stand Looking into this passage of the Bible. We take note that God told Samuel to stop mourning over God and that HE has chosen someone else. When Samuel got to the house of Jesse, where God sent him, he assessed almost all of Jesse's sons and considered Eliab, the first son, as the LORD'S anointed but God taught Samuel a valuable lesson, that HE does not look at the outward appearance as men do but at the heart. Does this mean that we should not  bother looking at our outward appearance? Not so, our outward appearance is what people see. We are representatives of Christ Jesus and people who are not in Christ only see our outward appearance not our hearts, so we are to be examples of Christ to all men and not hypocrites.  If we notice, it was said that David that he was in the bush tending to sheep.  When David arrived, God instantly told Samuel to anoint him. God must have been watching David all the while he was tending to sheep in the remote bush. The...


James 1: 2-4. Trials are experiences that causes difficulty for someone. Trials are of two types; the ones that come to test you to see whether you are what you say you really are and the ones that come to build us up. Does God allow trials to come our way? 🤔🤔 Yes HE can. But why will God allow trials to come our way? When we go through trials we become be stronger. God allows us to undergo trials to train us for where HE is taking us to. God has a place HE has prepared for everyone but HE will not just take us instantly there, there is a series of training we must undergo. If we don't the training we will definitely mess up when we get to the place of honour. Let's take King Saul as an example, he was a young man just looking for his father's sheep when he was anointed as King of Israel. Saul eventually messed up and was removed from the throne and replaced by David who was anointed as King when he was 17 but sat on the throne when he was 30 years old, 13 years of runnin...

Discovering Your Purpose.

When we say purpose, what does it really mean?   Purpose is the direction that you are going. It is the reason why you do something. Knowing you purpose in God is knowing why God created you and why you are living. If you don't know your purpose there is a likelihood that you will waste your life on things that you are not meant to be doing. For instance, if you try to bake cake with a washing machine, it will not be what you want it to be, instead, the washing machine will just spill the cake ingredients and make a mess of things. Not knowing your purpose causes frustration , depression , confusion and unproductive labour.  It is impossible for you to know your purpose if you don't know your manufacturer, God. People who don't know Christ personally walk in darkness and opposite to the will of God for them.     Everyone needs to know where they are heading to because we all have a purpose on Earth.  Before we discover our purpose it is important to...


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